Certificate of Verification Affidavit- ANNEXURE ‘J’

Verification Certificate- ANNEXURE ‘J’


Reference Number:_____

          This is to certify that Sh./Smt./Kum ________ son of/wife of/daughter of ________whose personal particulars are given below has good moral character and reputation and that after having read the provisions of Section ____of the Passports Act, ____.  I certify that these provisions are not attracted in case of this applicant and I, recommend issue of an________ Passport to him/her.  Applicant has been staying at his/her address continuously for the last one year.

 Date of Birth :                                                            ________

Place of Birth :                                                           ________

Educational Qualification :                                        ________

Profession (Govt./Private Service/Others) :               ________

Permanent Address :                                                   ________

Present Address  :                                                       ________

Place: ________                                                                   

Office Address with location:                   

Date: ________                                                                    Signature: ________



Full Name ________

Designation: ________

I Card No.: ________