I, _________ son of _________ resident of _________ do hereby solemnly affirms and declare as under: –
1. That I am residing in _________ and I am an _________ citizen.
2. That I am the bonafide resident of _________ at the above said address.
3. That I SELLS of _________ Item on _________ at front of _________, _________ and my monthly earning is about _________ /- per month i.e. _________ /- per annum approx, and no other sources of income.
4. That I am not already holding a Tehbazari in my own name of any other family members name.
5. That my correct & exact Date of Birth is _________.
6. That it is my true statement.
Verified at _________ that the contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed.
- Format for Tehbazari Affidavit
- Tehbazari Affidavit Format
- Tehbazari Affidavit Sample
- Teh bazari Affidavit
- Tehbazari Affidavit Form